Content-Based Instruction (CBI)

Content-Based Instruction (CBI) is a method of teaching a second or foreign language that focuses on the content or subject matter being learned, rather than on the language itself. It is based on the idea that language is a tool for communication and that learners can acquire language naturally by using it to learn about a subject that interests them.

In a CBI approach, the language being learned is used as a means of communication to learn about a specific subject or topic. For example, a CBI lesson on physics might involve using the target language to read and discuss scientific texts, conduct experiments, and present findings to the class. The language itself is not the main focus of the lesson, but rather a tool for learning about the content.

CBI can be used in a variety of settings, including language classrooms, content-area classrooms, and in contexts where language and content are integrated. 

It is often used in combination with other language teaching methods, such as Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) or Communicative Language Teaching (CLT).

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