Types of Assessment In Teaching

There are many types of assessment that can be used in teaching to evaluate student learning and progress. Some common types of assessment include:
  • Formative assessment: This type of assessment is used to monitor student learning and inform instruction. It helps teachers identify areas where students are struggling and adjust their teaching accordingly. Examples include quizzes, class participation, and quick checks for understanding.
  • Summative assessment: This type of assessment is used to evaluate student learning at the end of a unit or course. It provides a snapshot of student achievement and is often used for grading purposes. Examples include exams, projects, and papers.
  • Diagnostic assessment: This type of assessment is used to identify students' strengths and weaknesses at the beginning of a unit or course. It helps teachers tailor their instruction to meet the needs of individual students.
  • Performance assessment: This type of assessment requires students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills through the creation of a product or the completion of a task. Examples include lab reports, presentations, and portfolios.
  • Self-assessment: This type of assessment involves students reflecting on their own learning and progress. It can be an effective way to foster student ownership of their learning and help them develop self-regulation skills.
  • Peer assessment: This type of assessment involves students evaluating the work of their classmates. It can be an effective way to promote collaboration and encourage students to think critically about the learning of their peers.

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