What Is Constructivism Theory?

Constructivism is a theory of learning that emphasizes the role of the learner in constructing their own understanding and knowledge. 

It is based on the idea that people actively construct their own understanding of the world around them, based on their experiences and interactions with the environment.

This theory of learning has its roots in the work of a number of different researchers and philosophers, including Jean Piaget, John Dewey, and Lev Vygotsky.

According to constructivism, learning is not simply the acquisition of new information, but rather the process of actively constructing and reorganizing one's own understanding of the world. 

This means that the learner plays an active role in the learning process, rather than being a passive recipient of information.

In a constructivist teaching approach, the teacher serves as a facilitator, helping students to develop their own understanding of a subject by providing opportunities for exploration, discovery, and problem-solving. 

This approach can be particularly effective in helping students to develop critical thinking skills, as it encourages them to think for themselves and to make connections between new ideas and their own prior knowledge.

Key concepts of the constructivism 
  1. Active learning: Constructivism emphasizes the importance of active learning, where the learner is actively involved in constructing their own understanding of a subject. This involves exploration, discovery, and problem-solving, rather than simply receiving information from a teacher.
  2. Prior knowledge: Constructivism recognizes that learners come to a learning situation with their own prior knowledge and experiences, which influence their understanding of new information.
  3. Social interaction: Constructivism suggests that social interaction plays a critical role in learning. Learners can construct new knowledge and understanding through interactions with more advanced peers or teachers, as well as through collaboration with their peers.
  4. Constructing meaning: According to constructivism, learners actively construct meaning from their experiences and interactions with the environment. This process involves making connections between new information and their prior knowledge, and reorganizing their understanding of a subject as they learn more.

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