What is Student Motivation?

Student motivation refers to the reasons or driving forces that inspire and sustain a student's interest and engagement in learning.

It is an important factor in academic success and can be influenced by a variety of internal and external factors, including personal goals, values, and interests, as well as the learning environment, the teacher's style and approach, and the student's relationship with peers.

There are several different types of motivation that can influence a student's behavior and learning. Here are a few examples:
  1. Intrinsic motivation: This refers to motivation that comes from within the individual, such as a desire to learn new things or a sense of curiosity.
  2. Extrinsic motivation: This refers to motivation that comes from external rewards or consequences, such as grades or praise from others.
  3. Self-motivation: This refers to motivation that comes from the individual's own goals and interests, rather than external rewards or consequences.
  4. Social motivation: This refers to motivation that comes from the desire to fit in with a group or to gain the approval of others.
  5. Competence motivation: This refers to motivation that comes from the desire to feel competent and capable in a particular area or task.
  6. Achievement motivation: This refers to motivation that comes from the desire to achieve a particular goal or standard of excellence.

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