What is Summative Assessment ?

A summative assessment is a type of evaluation that occurs at the end of a particular learning period or project, such as a semester or school year. 

It is meant to provide a summary of what a student has learned or accomplished over that time period. 

Summative assessments are typically more formal and structured than formative assessments, which are ongoing evaluations that take place throughout the learning process.

Summative assessments can take many forms, including exams, projects, essays, and presentations. 

They are usually graded, and the results are used to assess the student's overall understanding of the material and to determine their final grade for the course or program.

Summative assessments are an important part of the education process, as they help students demonstrate their knowledge and skills and provide an opportunity for teachers to evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching and the curriculum. 

It is important to note that summative assessments should not be the only form of evaluation used to assess student learning. 

Formative assessments can also be valuable in helping students identify areas of weakness and providing feedback to help them improve their learning and performance.
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