What Makes A Good Test?

A good test is one that is valid, reliable, fair, and appropriate for the purpose it serves. Here are some characteristics of a good test:
  1. Validity: A good test measures what it is intended to measure and accurately reflects the knowledge or skills being tested.
  2. Reliability: A good test produces consistent results over time and across different administrations.
  3. Fairness: A good test is free of bias and gives all students an equal opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills.
  4. Appropriateness: A good test is appropriate for the purpose it serves and the population being tested. It is neither too easy nor too difficult, and the questions are clear and relevant to the material being tested.
  5. Constructed in a logical manner: A good test is constructed in a logical manner, with questions that are clearly related to the material being tested and that build upon one another in a logical way.
  6. Administerable: A good test is easy to administer and score in a consistent and efficient manner.
  7. Timely feedback: A good test provides timely feedback to students and allows them to use that feedback to improve their understanding of the material.

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